website for the descendants of the Dutch Cassuto's

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X-mas poem
Happy 2006!
David Cassuto writes

american cassuto's 2005
John Lennon
new twins
Irene with present
Leonore en Bas
reunion at Sweet Lake City

family oldie
A cousin of Hetty winkel
Cat gallery

HAPPY 2006!

Uncle Max 's offspring, Rob, Ab and Irene kept the tradition of coming together at X-mas and having a lavish dinner together. This year it was at Ab's.
We have no pic of the dinner but above you see Karel and Irene sitting sweetly together at the moment of exxhanging presents. Karel just got a book, a guide on the best French wines, as he is a real 'connoisseur'.
But a dinner photo we have: below you see Ab at the second X-mas day gathered with
his children, from l to r: Ab, Leonore, Marloes, just above her Leonores partner Bas and extreme right Marloes'partner Marcel. Apparently Rogier took the pic.

ab and offspring

As for Rob: I was at 'Oud en Nieuw' at home with some friends. On January 1 I celebrated the beginning of the last Chanukah day at my good friend Karins present residence in Nymegen: the one-time house of the guardian of the Jewish cemetary. I include below the entry from my weblog, it is in Dutch so fot most Americans not so easy to read I am afraid:


Hierboven zie je achter het raam een aantal chanoeka-kandelaars volop branden. De achtste en laatste dag van het chanoekafeest was aangebroken, dus alle acht kaarsen mogen nu hun licht op deze winterse avond laten schijnen.
Het oogt gezellig, daar achter die ramen en dat was het ook, die kleine chanoekaparty, die Karin had georganiseerd in het grote oude huis, dat ze tegenwoordig beoont. Ze mag er verblijven als een soort 'kraakwacht'. Het verwaarloosde pand stamt uit 1920 en als je binnen bent ervaar je inderdaad iets van een tijdloze midden-twintigste-eeuw sfeer. Maar de kamer waar we zaten was lekker warm gestookt en een gemêleerd gezelschap deed zich tegoed aan latkes (joodse aardappelkoekjes), soefganiot (joodse oliebolletjes), haring en salade. Dat gezelschap bestond een selecte vertegenwoordiging van de bonte joodse gemeenschap in mijn stad Nijmegen: een tandarts uit Israel met vrouw en kinderen, een manager bij een chemisch concern met zijn vrouw, voor een paar jaar over uit de US, een programmeur oorspronkelijk uit Marokko met zijn vrouw, een uitgever die zowaar geboortig is uit deze stad, evenals Karin, en mijn persoon, die - ik vermeld het maar om het extra exotisch te maken - geboren is in Indonesië. De voertaal was Engels en als ik alle gesprekken zou weergeven zou er een gek en kleurig stukje ontstaan,waarvoor nu de tijd mij ontbreekt.
Ieder die dit leest wens ik: EEN FIJN EN GEZEGEND 2006! A NICE AND BLESSED 2006!

jan.2 2006

Hetty wrote a x-mas poem:

“Next Christmas”

Next Christmas, I won't be in such a rush

Next Christmas, I won't shop so much

Next Christmas, I will do more cookie- baking

Next Christmas, I'll do more giving and less taking

Next Christmas, I'll do more bagging and less wrapping

Next Christmas, I'll be less crabby with no snapping.

Next Christmas, there will be lots of hugging and kissing

Next Christmas, there should be no one missing

Next Christmas, I'll do less talking and more listening

Next Christmas, I'll watch the snow as it is glistening

And not worry about when I have to shovel or plow it

Next Christmas, when kids are up late I'll allow it

Next Christmas, I want to hear more singing

Next Christmas, there should be more bells ringing

I‘ll take the babies to see train gardens and the Festival of Trees

I will thank God for His Love and get down on my knees

Next Christmas, I'll hear “Handel's Messiah”

Next Christmas, there won't be so much Mariah.

Next Christmas, we‘ll sing our favorite hymns together

Next Christmas, we won't care about the weather.

Next Christmas, we'll light Dad's Menorah

Next Christmas, we'll read the Bible and the Torah

Next Christmas, we'll hear the Christmas story

Not just the one in “Peanuts”-the real one, in all its glory

We'll watch “The Miracle on 34 th St ” and love the part in Dutch

“It's a Wonderful Life” too, it hasn't lost its touch.

Next Christmas my grandbabies will be in their own house

Next Christmas they will be quiet as a mouse

Next Christmas, they will be down the road aways

Next Christmas…. is just in 364 days.


David Cassuto wrote to Rob among other things about Oma Lien Cassuto:

Dear Rob,
Hoe staat het met jou? Heb je een fijne chanoeka gehad (of loopt dat nog?) Ik begreep dat je met je broer en zusje “kerst”hebt gevierd en hoop dat dat gezellig was. Ik heb het goed gehad in Amsterdam en Den Haag, morgen bezoek ik mijn mams die bij een vriendin verblijft om aan te sterken naar haar operatie (een kwestie waarbij ze afstand moest doen van een sedert 36 jaar in onbruik geraakt gedeelte waar ik ooit nog in heb mogen vertoeven).

Ik had het laatst met wat vrienden over de oorlog, mede naar aanleiding van de opnamen hier in de stad voor Zwartboek van Paul Verhoeven, waarbij je regelmatig Duitse tanks, soldaten of van de gebouwen wapperende Nazi-banieren kon waarnemen. Ik vertelde toen ook over het mooie onderstaande verhaal. (i.e. the story of Oma Lien Cassuto getting husband Ies released from the German Prison in 1941, view )
Nou kende ik dat verhaal natuurlijk al van mijn vader die ik dat meerdere malen heb horen vertellen. Daarin zaten een aantal elementen die anders waren dan de feiten zoals ze in het stuk op je site zijn opgetekend. Nu vroeg ik me af in welke documenten je dit verhaal hebt gevonden. Ik kan me namelijk niet voorstellen dat mijn vader dit had en er dan zelf van zou afwijken. Bij voorbeeld dat ze wel 13 keer was geweest en dat ze de laatste keer mijn vader mee had genomen.

Ik wil overigens graag nogmaals benadrukken dat ik het fijn vind dat je zoveel moeite neemt voor het vastleggen van alle informatie en ook voor het bieden van een familieforum. Wat zullen we moeten dan als je ooit “geen zin” meer hebt? Heb je de originele documenten ook systematisch gearchiveerd?

Liefs van David

PS Heb je oma's handschrift echt kunnen scannen zonder te corrigeren?

Rob answered:

Hallo David, Goed om eens van je te horen.
'Chanoeka sameach' , vrolijke Chanoeka, zeggen wij elkaar deze dagen en ik dus aan jou, naast de 'happy holidays'  die ik jou ook toewens.
Chanoeka is het van 26 dec. tot 2 jan. , samenvallend met kerst en Oud en Nieuw, laat dit jaar vanwege de in het Joods jaar 5765 ingevoegde schrikkelmaand 'Adar 2'
Zo komt het Christelijke en Joodse lichtfeest een keer samen, leuk toch...
Met Ab en Irene was het gezellig. Wist je dat Ab een flinke hoeveelheid oud video materiaal heeft van de familie? We hebben er wat van bekeken, o.a. je vader kwam er even op voor, uit 1973! Ab zou een dvd gaan samenstellen uit  deze banden voor alle familieleden. Moeten we hem aan houden ...
Curieus even zo'n  Duits bezettingssfeertje om je heen, lijkt me. Hadden ze geen figuranten nodig, Paul V. en de zijnen? (this is a joke...)

Ja, het oranjehotelverhaal is letterlijk het verhaal zoals door Oma opgestuurd in de 50-er jaren aan Presser voor zijn boek 'Ondergang'.
Inderdaad vreemd dat ze de 13 keer niet vertelt en ook niet dat je vader een keer is meegeweest  - dat moet de een na laatste keer zijn geweest - waar hij zegt op de Spielbergband (die ik heb laten uittypen):

" interviewer: U bent een keer met uw moeder meegegaan, u hebt Fischer ontmoet, hoe was hij?
George: Zogenaamd leek het een hele aardige man, dat weet ik nog wel. Dat was hij dus uiteraard niet. Hij was zeer beleefd en zeer hoffelijk. Hij was een raar mens, ik heb gelukkig met de Duitsers nooit wat te maken gehad, doordat ik ben ondergedoken. Maar als ik later bedenk, wat er van Fischer geworden is, dan moet dat een vreselijke man zijn geweest. Mijn moeder vond het een afschuwelijke kerel, dat weet ik nog wel. Ik heb hem dus maar even ontmoet want hij had ook geen tijd voor haar. Het was een wonder, dat wij in dat kantoor binnendrongen. En de dag daarop heeft hij vrij uitgebreid met haar gepraat en toen gezegd, ik laat je man los."

Misschien heeft ze een aantal keren dat het bezoek helemaal niets uithaalde dan behalve over de drempel gekomen te zijn in haar verslag weggelaten.
De uitgetypte velletjes waren te scannen, maar die 'scan-vertaling' was natuurlijk allerminst perfect en moest op de computer nog flink worden bewerkt.

Wel David, ik hoop dat het je goed gaat, aan den lijve en met de negotie.
Ik wens je vast een goed jaar 2006 in voorspoed en gezondheid,
groet van neef Rob

December 17 2005

American Cassuto's 2005

american cassuto's
a large part of the 'American Cassuto's', descendants of Ernest and Elly; only Ben and Liz and Marilyn, Alex and Dean missing. Mark the newest addition Beatrix and Ainsley.
from l to r: Tina, Canne with Bea, Gef, Hetty, Kelly with Ainsley, Mike and George with his three children Grace, Glory and Gabe

December 8: In memoriam John Lennon

Hetty mailed:

"On Dec 8, 1980, I was a young mom and wife, sitting on the floor of my living room in Newport News, Va. addressing Christmas cards while "Monday Night Football" was on TV. I heard the break-in and Howard Cosell brought me the news. As my husband was away at the time, working in Baltimore and getting us ready to relocate there(that was our "home base"), I did not have anyone to cry to or scream at, so I cried and screamed at home alone. The next day, I spoke to my sisters, parents and my husband via phone, but that did not console me. Only playing John's music, with and without the Beatles, for days on end helped.
In the 50s and 60s, I was growing up in Passaic, N.J. At 13, in 1964, when the Beatles arrived in NYC, I was just "a George Washington Bridge" away from seeing them in person. I was not that fortunate, but the TV brought them into my living room and changed my life.
I was never the same person after that. John was my favorite Beatle, as I thought, "There is the rebel, the soul, the poet, the spark and the leader of the group." Seeing "A Hard Day's Night" many times over only confirmed my feelings about him. I could hear the raw rock'n roll in his voice and saw the mischief in his eyes.
Much later, when he spoke out for peace and became the father he wanted to be to his son, Sean, and a good husband to Yoko, he proved that second chances could come along for all of us, not just ex-Beatles. That was one of the things that angered me so much about John's murder. John admitted that he had  failed as a husband and father the first time around, and, after he almost lost Yoko, he laid off the rough lifestyle, settled down, quit music for awhile, had a son and just was "one of us". Then, after he made "Double Fantasy" and brought himself and his music back to us, the ones who never gave up on him, that evil, demented person took him away. I mourned John's passing as if someone had murdered my first boyfriend. That is how personally I took it. Now, 25 years later, I am a new grandmother and I have passed my love of John's and his mates' music to a third generation. I cannot be angry about it anymore, but at my own funeral, I will have "In My Life" played. Mark David Chapman did not succeed in his horrible deed, he proved that the Beatles, and John, and George too, will live forever. No one can steal your love and your memories.
I pray that he will never be paroled."

Rob: I too have a vivid memory of the news of John's cruel death. I was working at the Institute of psycholgy of the Nymegen University and when I left the elevator, which brought me to the eighth floor, where was the department of Social psychology, I heard the news from my colleagues. I remember we were devastated. John was one of the heroes of my generation and he reflected the process we all felt ourselves partaking in and he was a forerunner in it, an avantgarde heroe. I use to play some numbers of him, f.e. working class heroe, Mother, Hold on Yoko. 8 dec.

and now for someting completely different this funny pic

babies and Santa:

Ainsley, Santa, Bea

Canne mailed:
"Hi Rob, I see that there hasn't been anything new from me to post on the website  so I'm sending you  a couple of nice pictures of me with Hetty's grandaughters and one of Tina. Visiting the babies with Hetty was very rewarding. I loved helping Kelly and Mike out so they could do things without having to haul the babies around all the time.
Tina is doing well at college. She comes home this week for "Dankdag" Thanksgiving.  She sent me some nice pictures of herself with her shorter haircut. She had her friend Amanda over that day. I am getting into a real routine over at my new job in customer service at the car dealership.
Geff finally has a job that he enjoys doing shipping and receiving at a T-shirt company.
 It's fulltime and he had great hours with the weekends off. Always very important for a young guy! So that's all for now.  I hope everyone is well and looking forward to Sinter Claas.
Groetjes van Canne"
Here they are plus one of Hetty:

are'nt they cute?!

Hetty back at home and babies Kelly together with their mother

Hi friends and family; Finally back home with Jim and the cats. I miss my grandbabies terribly and wish I could be at two places at once so I can still help Kelly and Mike face the challenges that lie ahead. It's hard enough without having a baby that has the complications Ainsley had at birth. She has a lot of follow up ahead with several specialists. anyway, I hope to plan another visit to see them as soon as possible. since I could not get my Shutterfly to work, I am choosing some good fotos for you to see how much Ainsley has improved and see the joy on Kelly's face now that both babies are home., Love, Hetty, 29 08 '05

Kelly with her new baby girls together

Mazal Tov and congratulations, Kelly and Mike!

Dear Friends and Family,
Friday, at 1:45 and 1:47 pm, babies Beatrix Annike and Ainsley Louise Farrington came into the world. Beatrix was 6 lbs 10 oz and 19 1/4 inches long, and Ainsley was 6 lbs 7 oz and 19 1/2 inches.
Baby Beatrix is doing very well and she and Kelly are expected to go home from the hospital tomorrow.
Unexpectedly, however, there were complications with Ainsley. She had some breathing difficulties and other problems and had to be transferred right away to the Newborn Intensive Care unit at New England Medical center. Kelly hopes to see her tomorrow. She has only seen Ainsley for a few seconds. Jim and I went to see her the 2nd day she was there and she had been improving somewhat but we won't know for awhile how she will fare after all this.

Needless to say, Kelly and Mike and all of us ask for your prayers.
Beatrix is quite fine and a wonderful little baby. I am going back on Tues. to be there to help care for her and so Kelly can get back on her feet and go see Ainsley. Pray for Ainsley and I will send your best wishes along for the babies to Kelly and Mike. Love, Hetty

Irene with present

Yesterday, August 8. I gave Irene her birthday present: a pendant freshly hanging round her neck. Irene had her anniversary last week, August 2.
This piece of jewelry was specially made for her by goldsmith Robine Ehrenburg, a good friend of mine, below seen standing before her workshop in Bussum, on the moment she 's gonna wrap up the ornament.
Rob Cassuto, August 9 '05

reunion at Sweet Lake City
for more photo's

a special picture: an unique collection of descendants of grandparents Ies and Lien Cassuto, including husbands or fiancé's; they are gathered at the new house of Ab's daughter Leonore and friend Bas in Sweet Lake City (as we nickname Zoetermeer, suburb of The Hague).
Occasion was the visit of an American cousin Canne(second from right in the front, with the blue blouse) and her daughter Tina (exteme right in the back in the red blouse).
Rob took the picture yesterday.
Below another picture, that includes Rob.
The gathering had a very sweet atmosphere, so many different characters all from the same stem, but with nevertheless at least one common trait: a fondness for merry shmoozing...

A short overview of Canne and Tina's travels:
Canne and Tina arrived Sunday June 19. The first days she stayed in Sweet Lake City with cousin Ab and they sightseed in The Hague (Scheveningen boulevard included) and the picturesque town of Delft with cousin David and cousin Irene respectively. Thursday they went to Amsterdam and visited the famous Portuguese Synagogue, the Anne Frank 'Achterhuis' with cousin Carine.
The day before yesterday Rob fetched cousin Canne and Tina up in Amsterdam at Carine's house at the Roosevelt Avenue. They lunched at the goat farm of Carine's and David's elder brother Michiel and family, just outside the town of Ede and then they proceeded to Rob's place in Nymegen, where they dined after having lit the shabbat candles and the blessings. It was a hot hot day and at eleven Rob and his family visitors almost dropped dead in their beds. The tropical heat had subsided the next day and the company made it to Sweet Lake city in a relaxed way, headed for the family gathering pictured above and below.
for more photo's

back row from l to r: Rogier, Rob, Karel, Marloes, David, Carine, Tina
front row from l to r : Ab, Leonore, Irene, Canne, Bas
The pic was taken by Marcel, fiancé to Marloes. On the pic on top of this message you see him next to Rogier.
for more photo's

June 26 '05

Tina to High School dinner dance
Lieve Rob, can you put this on the website?  Tina and Andy were such a happy couple going to her high school dinner dance.  We had a beautiful night and the  weather was warm.  A limousine picked them and their friends up and off they went. A good time was had by all love, Canne
Rob: doesn't she look chique and lovely? And a habdsome boy at her side!

Hanneke Cassuto-van Rooyen, recent picture taken at the opening of the new Utrecht synagogue of the local reform Jewish congregation. The synagogue is realised in the renovated ancient Jewish orphanage.


An oldie of the family, I estimate from 1948 or 1949. The pic I came upon on going through my collection of old pics gradually having grown to immense proportions. This photo came from Hetty.

Hetty, I guess the woman most right is tante Grie and beside her her sister, what was her name.
Left opa Ies Cassuto and oma Lien. Hetty, do you know who the man is in the middle and where the picture was taken? Maybe in Hazerswoude, where tante Grie lived?
In the front Elly and George joking with each other.
Canne mailed: the couple in the pic Hetty sent you are the English couple
Mr. and Mrs. Newmark. They helped rehabilitate dad when he was sent to England to recover from his prison period in Rotterdam. I think this picture is from '48  or '49. Dad was very close to them as we met them also when we sailed to England on the ferry during our '58 trip. Can you imagine how much he must have loved them to invite to Oma and Opa's in Holland and they actually stayed for a visit and met Tante Grie too?  They were the most lovely people from what I remember.
Rob: Now you mention it I remember the names, Newmark, often mentioned in those after war days. I never met them, but they played an important role. I also remember - but this is before your days I suppose - 'auntie Rose' and 'auntie Alice' , sweet American ladies, I suppose also of Christian creed, who sent in the after war years to the hungry and impoverished Cassuto's packs of second hand cloths, dresses, sweaters, pants, and also all kinds of food, tins and so on, also toys I believe.
Ben mailed: Tante Grie's sister is Aardje Bogarts Ketel who is responsible for saving Uncle Henri's life in the same way Tante Grie saved Mom's.
Rob: Yes, the sister was Aartje Bogaards (this I think the right spelling). Probably the woman beside Tante Grie - though resembling a bit Tante Grie - is mrs. Newmark accompanying her husband on their visit to Holland. The picture was definitely not taken in the Badhuisweg backyard, which I remember very well. Maybe it was in Hurwenen, where Ernest - dad - was a minister, but the picture makes the impression being taken in a city.


A cousin of Hetty winkel saw the Hetty Winkel page on the family website! She is the daughter of a younger sister of Hetty Winkel's mother Esther. She mailed me:

"Ik ben een dochter van Estella Querido, jongste zuster van Esther
Winkel-Querido, moeder van Hetty Winkel. Ik herinner me dat na de oorlog
Ernest Cassuto 1 keer bij ons thuis is geweest om met mijn moeder over Hetty
te praten. Ik was toen een meisje van 12 jaar. (...) "

"Beste Heer Cassuto, Dank U voor Uw snelle reactie. Ik was erg ontroerd toen ik een paar van de mij zo bekende foto's op Uw website vond. Het was mijn zoon die mij er op attent maakte. Hij vond de website toevallig toen hij zijn dochter hielp bij het maken van  haar werkstuk voor school over de jodenvervolging.  De herinneringen die ik U stuur heb ik geschreven voor mijn twee jongste zusjes Connie en Liesje. Later heb ik ze wat bewerkt voor mijn kleindochter Marie. Ik heb niet veel heldere herinneringen aan Hetty, ik was zoveel jonger dan zij. Wel werd er door mijn ouders vaak en liefdevol over haar gesproken.  Wat zou mijn moeder graag geweten hebben van het dagboek van Hetty! Zij is nooit over het verlies gekomen van haar familieleden. (...) Tijdens de oorlog zijn veel van onze familiefoto's verloren gegaan. Van wat er over is heeft mijn moeder een fotoalbum samengesteld dat misschien nog meer foto's bevat van Hetty. Het is in het bezit van mijn zuster Branca. U hoort nog van mij hierover. Ik groet U zeer hartelijk, Stella Kohnhorst."

summary in English: Stella tells me, Ernest once visited the family after the war to talk about Hetty. Stella was very moved to see the pictures of Hetty on the website, her son came upon it when assisting his daughter with an essay about the persecutions. Stella wrote some memories down for her sisters and her granddaughter, she sent me this story. She doesn't remember much of Hetty, because she was then still very youbg, but her parents spoke often of Hetty very lovingly.
Her mother (the sister of Esther Winkel) very much would have liked to know about Hetty's diary,
she never really came over the loss of her relatives. In the war many family photo's have been lost, but from what is left Stella's younger sister Branca made an album. Stella will inform me about it later on.

She sent me 3 pictures, among which:

from left to right: Estella Kohnhorst-Querido, Esther Winkel-Querido, Hetty Winkel and the toddler is Stella, daughter of Estella.
Stella is the one who mailed me. Later I will post some fragments of the written memories she sent me.
April 24


cats   Tina

Canne Cassutto mails: "We've had our black and white cat named Mickey for 5 years already and wanted to add a new member so we went to our local animal shelter and got a young gray cat named Smokey. By the way, Mickey is the old man at 12 and Smokey is like his pesty little brother at 1 year of age.Veel liefs, Canne"
By the way: the big third cat I like as well!, Rob

Dec. 27

And Hetty Haden-Cassutto introduces Gilbert and later (June 3) completes the cat gallery with Worf:"Here is a foto for the Cats section... Calvin with his cat Worf. He was a little black stray that Calvin and his friend Aron found in the woods when he was 18. Now, almost 12 years later, Calvin has moved out and gotten married. Worf had to stay behind with us. But whenever Calvin comes to visit, Worf is so happy. He sits at Calvin's place at the table and he misses him very, Hetty"
Rob C: Worf is so black tou cab hardly see him!

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